Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Strengthen Your Core

Did you know that the area known as the "core" is made up of 29 muscles? Your body's core is where all the movement in your body originates, so it shouldn't be surprising that a strong core offers a host of health benefits, not to mention how sexy a flat, toned stomach is. Ready to enjoy a more stable center of gravity, increased protection and bracing for your back, better posture, and a more stable platform for virtually any activity? Get started with these core strengthening moves, and you'll be on your way to a healthy core without having to do a single crunch:

Boat pose: Build abdominal strength with Navasana, or boat pose. From a seated position, raise your legs up to a 45 degree angle. Your torso will naturally fall back a little, but don't let your back collapse. Instead, focus on making a "V" shape with your body. Next, raise your arms out in a straight line with your shoulders, reaching strongly out with your fingers. Start by holding the pose for 10-20 seconds, eventually working up to holding it for a minute. Then, with an exhale, release your legs and sit back upright on your inhale.

Bridge pose: Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart, arms resting at your sides. Then, using your ab muscles, lift your hips as far away from the ground as you can. Keep your thighs parallel and your head, neck, and shoulders on the floor. Hold for 15 counts before returning to the floor. Repeat three to five times.

Upward facing dog: Lie on your stomach with hands directly under your shoulders. Then, press the tops of your feet into the floor while pushing your hands down into the floor and lifting your body upward, straightening your arms. Keeping your mind calm and your shoulders relaxed, breathe in and out while you hold upward dog for 40 counts.

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