Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Muscle Soreness - Keeping Muscles Limber

Muscle Soreness Remedy

When your muscles are knotted from a satisfying workout and you can't squeeze a massage into your schedule, there is a simple, affordable and effective trick to release the tension. So what does this miraculous, inexpensive do-at-home tension buster require?

Nothing more than a tennis ball.

To use this technique, place the tennis ball on the ground and then place the area of soreness and tension on the tennis ball - rolling your ball with the sore spot as the pivot point on your body. For example, place the ball on the floor and lay on it with your lower back - then gently roll your lower back across the ball for five to ten minutes, depending on your comfort level.

This works with other areas of the body as well - all you need is a space to use the ball.

This technique can be used to alleviate hip and back pain, tightness in the shoulders, sore feet, muscle fatigue related to long periods of standing and sitting, and repetitive motions such as typing, or workouts. It's easy, and definitely affordable!
Maintaining Limber Muscles

To keep your muscles limber and pliable:

Warm up. Warming up before you exercise will increase the flow of blood and oxygen to your muscles before you start exerting them, and your joints will begin releasing more synovial fluid, which will also help prevent stiffness.

Stretch. Letting gravity do the stretching, reach down to your toes and hold for 15 counts. Then take turns leaning over to each side for 15 counts, making a giant "C" with your body. Next, bend your knees from side to side to stretch your groin muscles. After you roll your shoulders around a few times, you should be ready for more vigorous physical activity with less likelihood of injuries.

Drink your water. Your body uses water as a natural lubricant, cushioning your joints and helping your muscles to stay limber.

Relax. After you've exercised your body, reward yourself with an Epsom salt bath or a dip in a pool or hot tub. Spring for a massage now and then to treat yourself and keep muscles supple.

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