Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vitality Through Fitness Plus Nutrition Tip of the Week

Fitness is an essential component to wellness, and it requires action on your part. No amount of vitamins will replace the nutritious benefits of eating whole, healthy foods and no amount of walking on a treadmill will replace the invigorating health benefits of being active in the great outdoors. If you want to be well, then you must act well. That means getting out and enjoying your life.

When many people think about fitness, they think about workout gear, going to the gym, and eating salads. However, that is a very limited approach. Fitness should be a part of your daily routine, not something you have to schedule in. Think about your daily routine for a moment. How many opportunities do you have to do something good for yourself in any given day, and how many times do you choose to do otherwise?

It is important, when making changes in your life, that you not berate yourself for your old behaviors, rather, praise yourself for your new habits. Let each awareness be an opportunity for you to create the desired shift in your life. Invite your friend to take a scenic walk with you instead of meeting at a coffee shop. Do an extra lap around the mall and park further away from the doors to turn your shopping trip into something more. Plan your vacations around hiking, biking, or other activities that get you outside. Even just doing yard work on the weekends is a great way to stay in shape- remember to stretch those muscles before you do anything strenuous!

Nutrition Tip of the Week from Dr. Janet Bond Brill:
Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Basil Parsley: You may not be able to find them at Scarborough Fair but you surely can get them at your local grocery store. Herbs and spices are absolute antioxidant powerhouses. I suggest you learn to love the spectacular taste that herbs and spices can bring to your dishes. Rosemary in particular is a culinary delight that research has shown contains more than two dozen antioxidants, and has also been implicated as a powerful disease-prevention agent. Perhaps whole-grain focaccia bread fresh out of the oven seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and roasted rosemary and complemented with a dark rich cabernet? Doesn’t get any better than that!

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